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subject: Reviewing the MBM Triumph 4205 Paper Cutter [print this page]

Are you looking for a high-quality stack cutter that can help you process a lot of paper at once? If you are, you need to check out the MBM Triumph 4205. Here's the lowdown on its strengths and weaknesses.


This device has a good cutting capacity because it's able to process a full 1.5 inches of paper at a time. The paper you cut can be up to 16-7/8" wide. As for length, it's pretty much up to you. The 4205 has 9" of table space in front of the blade and 15-5/16" behind it. Thus, you'll be able to cut some pretty large sheets of paper.

When using a paper cutter, you should choose one with good safety features. The 4205 definitely has some. In fact, it has a Safety Cutting System that's comprised of transparent safety guards on the front and back. (Note: the front guard locks automatically.) You can also change the blade without removing any of the covers because the change device will cover the blade for you so you won't get cut. All together, this is one of the safest cutters on the market.

The 4205's blade is incredibly strong because it's made out of Solingen steel. This is one of the best metals available. The other parts of the machine are made out of metal (including the blade changing device) which means this machine is very durable.

This cutter has fast-action clamp to keep your documents in place when you trim them. Also, there's a measuring scale and a back gauge so you can get the most accurate cut possible.

Even though it may not look like it, the 4205 is actually easy to use. There's a keypad you use to control the device and you can even program nine different cutting programs for future use.

This is definitely one of the most durable paper cutters available. It features all-metal construction so you'll be able to use it a lot over a long period of time. Plus, the one-year warranty will be helpful if you experience any problems with the device.


The 4205 is actually somewhat compact. Nonetheless, it will still take up some room because it measures 32.75" (depth) x 34.75" (width) x 15.75" (height). It's not meant for tabletop use and would be better suited for high-output environments. If you don't have room for this trimmer on a horizontal surface, you can purchase either a stand or a cabinet for it.

The 1.5-inch cutting capacity may not suffice if you need to cut a lot more paper at once.

The MBM Triumph 4205 is an impressive paper cutter and it really blows guillotine and rolling trimmers out of the water. This device has a great cutting capacity and the blade is made out of Solingen steel so you'll get a clean cut every time. It's easy to stay safe when using this machine and you'll appreciate how easy it is to operate. While it's too bad that the cabinet and stand cost extra, the 4205 is a device that makes the cut.

Reviewing the MBM Triumph 4205 Paper Cutter

By: Jeff McRitchie

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