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subject: Reviewing the Pro-Lam PL-238WF Roll Laminator [print this page]

If you've been looking for a new roll laminator, one to check out is the Pro-Lam PL-238WF. Here's a review of it so you can learn why it's a must-see device.

The PL-238WF is ideal for large documents because it has a 38-inch laminating width. This machine can be used to laminate a variety of items including posters, banners, and more.

This machine warms up pretty quickly. It'll be ready for use about 5 minutes after you turn it on. Once it's ready to go it can process up to 7 feet of material in one minute. The speed and temperature settings are totally adjustable so you have control over the process.

The PL-238WF does both hot and cold lamination which makes it compatible with thermal and pressure-sensitive film. The film can be made out of a variety of materials (polyester, vinyl, etc.) and it can be up to 10 mil thick. Also, if you're creating visual aids, you can use mounting boards with this device. The materials you use can be up to 0.25" thick.

Unlike some of the other laminators on the market, the PL-238WF comes with a stand so you won't have to shell out any extra money for one. The stand makes it possible to use thicker rolls of laminating film. Without it, the rolls can only be 6 inches wide. However, with the stand, you can use rolls that are 11" across. This can be very helpful if you work in a high-output environment. Also, this device comes with 3" mandrels.

The PL-238WF has a lot of great advanced features that help it stand out. These include its gappable rollers, adjustable slitters, and digital temperature display. There are also three cooling fans that will keep the machine in good shape.

You should be prepared to make space for this machine because it measures 49" (width) x 20" (depth) x 16" (height) without the stand. (With the stand, it's 40" tall.) It's also rather heavy due to its 250-pound weight. This definitely isn't the machine to get if you don't have a lot of extra room in your workspace.

The PL-238WF's rollers are covered by a three-month warranty while everything else is covered for one-year. The short roller warranty is a bit disappointing.

Final rating: 9. The Pro-Lam PL-238WF is one of the best roll laminators currently available. This is a great machine to have around if you want something that can laminate large documents on both hot and cold settings. It's great that it's compatible with so many different kinds of laminating film and that the rollers can be gapped for mounting boards. The inclusion of a stand makes this machine a must-buy, especially if you don't have room on any of your work surfaces for a roll laminator. It's disappointing that the roller warranty is so short but overall, this is one laminator you can't miss. Be sure to take a look at it so you can see how it can help you out.

Reviewing the Pro-Lam PL-238WF Roll Laminator

By: Jeff McRitchie

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