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subject: David Wood Review – See How This Guy Generated 600+ Leads in 2 Months Using 4 Simple Steps [print this page]

Simply put, David Wood is a beast (as my 13 y/o daughter would say). He is hands-down a true Internet Rock Star.

I watched a webinar last night on the MLM Lead System Pro site done by David Wood showing and telling the viewer about the steps he uses to do Article Marketing. Sidenote: MLSP has the best marketing system available on the internet. Everything you need to be an internet-renowned marketer is there. The tips are so cutting edge. There's training on the site for every marketing method you choose. Its all point and click. Its so user-friendly that a basic computer user could easily set up a great, traffic-generating campaign in a few hours. The information on the site is worth $1,000's yet the cost is only $50 per month. The value of the David Wood webinar was easily worth 10 times more that the $50 monthly cost.

Okay, I digress. Now back to the topic at hand. David started by telling how he'd used just 4 steps to generate over 600 targeted leads in just 2 months. That's unheard of. Some people haven't seen that much traffic all year.

He gave us a great analogy of our articles being like islands in the middle of the Internet Ocean. They are out there all alone with no boats or ships sailing by. The only way to get to Content Island it is to build bridges to it. You build bridges by using Social Bookmarking, Video Promotion, and Article Marketing.

David said the key to successful article or content marketing is to provide the readers with relevant, yet unique content, have link popularity, and be consistent with your actions and article marketing efforts.

Okay, so what are the 4 secret traffic-generating steps for Article Marketing? I'm glad you asked.

1. Create original articles. Not that this should need to be said, but don't copy someone else's work and pawn it off as your own. There's too much information available to use for content for you to need to borrow or steal anyone else's. Also, your readers need to hear your "voice".

2. Bookmark your article using the plug-in from Onlywire. This has to be installed on your page. Otherwise they charge you for it.

3. Promote your article through video sharing networks. You can you something like Traffic Geyser. Create a 30 sec video promoting your article and post it to the site. They will publish it to the internet world for you.

4. And this is the most important step.Do an article submission promoting your content. David uses an Article Submission system which blasts his content all over the web. Select one like Unique Article Wizard to spin and create variations of your articles. They submit them to thousands of content sites all at once.

He stressed 2 important points. The links from all of your promotions need to go back to the original article. He suggested one of the best places for your article was on your blog and, here it comes again, your MLSP site under My Articles. In MLSP, the articles have dynamic keyword insertion which works great for PPC and SEO. The articles are placed on your capture page which gives them credence and drawing power in the Google system.

Also, the original article should point back to your capture or landing page. The Resource Box should be used for that.

I have so much more to say.but I'm out of room for this one. I'll have to write a follow up article.

I just need to say one more time that David Wood is an Article Marketing Guru.

Arlissa Pinkelton

David Wood Review See How This Guy Generated 600+ Leads in 2 Months Using 4 Simple Steps

By: Arlissa Pinkelton

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