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subject: Using Promotional T Shirts To Grow Your Business [print this page]

Distributing promotional items along with newly launched products or services is a great way of promoting a business. Not only does it make people more aware of what you are launching at that point in time, but that item then stays with them, so it increases product memory longevity too.

Often companies distribute goody bags or flyers, but surely the best and most long lasting freebie is a printed promotional t-shirt. It directly advertises your product every time it is worn, and is truly long lasting, often staying in the owner's wardrobe for months or even years. No TV or radio advert can do that for you!

More and more entrepreneurs are therefore using promotional t-shirts to market their products. With clever and unique designs or text, and with good quality durable fabric and styles, your name and logo can be at the forefront of your target market's mind for a very long time indeed.

Most promotional t-shirts feature a company name, logo and website address, but it's the clever strapline or text mechanism that creates the 'cool factor' for promotional t-shirts. Cutting edge brand identity can be created with just one or two perfectly placed and crafted words, and brand commitment (and therefore solid sales figures) comes from that identity too.

Of course there is a fair bit of space on promotional t-shirts on which to get the message across you can not only print on the front and back but also on the sleeves. Always use high quality cotton and fabrics not only will they keep their colour and shape better when washed (and therefore stay in the target market household longer), but they will encourage a more quality association with your brand and company than a cheap synthetic fabric would.

You don't need to have a particular event to distribute your promotional t-shirts from, but it does help! Exhibitions, road shows, tradeshows, seminars, meetings and conferences are the perfect place to give your promotional gifts away.

Cost-wise, printing promotional t-shirts with your own brand message is a very cheap way of extending your brand into the home, the car, in fact just about anywhere you want it to go. The more often people encounter your logo identity on printed t-shirts, the more your branding receives the benefits of familiarity, credibility and visibility. And of course they are inherently visible, behind a counter, in a competition, across a table, much more so than a folder in a briefcase.

And promotional t-shirts don't just work to drive the brand message (and sales) they work inside an organisation too. Giving promotional t-shirts to staff is a far cheaper option than fully designed and produced staff uniforms!

So, consider promotional t-shirts for your business, they really can do a thousand things. Make sure you use the right company to produce them a company with a good range of products and excellent service (EED in Dunstable, Indigo in London, Fanela in Leicestershire and T print in Lancashire are all good examples). And watch the finished product propel your company into a new dimension.

by: Sara Allom

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