subject: Mexican Auto Insurance Put Auto Insurance On The Checklist For Your Next Mexico Vacation [print this page] What makes Mexican auto insurance so different from American auto insurance? The main difference is in Mexico, car insurance is not compulsory. Mexican law presumes that anyone driving a car has the financial means to cover any damages that may happen during an accident while driving in Mexico. Unless you are ready to provide an ample amount of cash on hand, it is in your best interest to have the right auto insurance in place before your next trip to Mexico. Many tourists believe that they can travel across the border without getting any additional insurance because they are already covered in the U.S., however, that is a serious gamble one should take very seriously. All it takes is one reckless driver, or a slippery road, and an accident can happen. At that point, if your vehicle has no coverage the law enforcement may detain you as a result.
Even someone traveling to Mexico for a single day trip needs to have the proper Mexican auto insurance in place. Imagine this: you drive one car length into Mexico and you instantly get into an accident. Now, without the proper Mexican auto insurance, you could be in serious potential trouble. Not only could you be held liable for all of the damages that occur during the accident, you could also be detained and have your vehicle impounded if you cannot immediately pay for those damages.
Next time you book your vacation to Mexico, take some time online and get your Mexican auto insurance after doing proper research. Put it on your to-do checklist. As soon as you know where in Mexico you will be traveling, you can instantly get the quote for the Mexican car insurance policy you need. That way, your trip is all ready to go and you do not need to worry if you have the proper insurance in place or not. If you get into an accident as soon as you cross the border, you and your passengers are covered, so you need not worry.
Some tourists choose to purchase Mexican auto insurance on the other side of the border, which comes with a risk. You and your passengers are, obviously, vulnerable until you get to the insurance office on the other side of border. Do not take a chance, get a quote online, and purchase and print your policy before you leave home.
by: Gary Nichols
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