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subject: Make Great Money With a Carpet Cleaning Start Up Business [print this page]

Carpets are one of those things that just have to be cleaned. The reason why a carpet cleaning start up business has the potential to be so lucrative, is because there is an endless amount of carpeting that can be found in homes, businesses and organizations. When you tap into this much needed service, you can truly make some great money for part-time physical work.

When you go into the rugs cleaning business, you will have the opportunity to choose which type of carpets to focus on first. Most start up services that run on a shoestring budget, often choose residential carpet cleaning. It's much easier to get residential clients when starting out, than to land a contract to clean for a business.

Because you'll need to gain some experience in cleaning carpets, doing homeowner jobs are a good way to understand how to clean various carpet types. You can also use a less expensive cleaning machine for homes. The good news is that you can buy, or rent, very effective deep cleaning machines for a reasonable cost.

Since homeowners don't need their carpets deep-cleaned as often as a business, you'll need to do a lot of prospecting and advertising to land your first few clients. However, once you get rolling, and do an excellent job for those clients, they will begin to refer you, via word of mouth, to their friends. You can make a nice part-time income just off of the referral business.

Once you are up and running for a while, at some point, you may decide you want to move into the more lucrative industrial cleaning. This means making bids on carpet cleaning jobs for apartment buildings, small and large offices, and other professional establishments.

In order to land these more lucrative jobs, you'll need to invest in a professional carpet cleaning machine, along with industrial cleaning products, that can take care of dirtier carpets much quicker. In order to grow your business at this level, you'll need to come up with a good business plan and stick to it. You'll also need to have professional business cards, a website and an effective marketing program.

Starting out small and working your way up, is a great strategy to follow, and one which has led many home based entrepreneurs to financial freedom. You too can be living this dream very soon with your own start up carpet cleaning business.

You can find out more information on starting your own lucrative carpet cleaning business by visiting the site below. Cleaning carpets is definitely one of the top home based business ideas that can lead to financial success.

Make Great Money With a Carpet Cleaning Start Up Business

By: Brenda Ballentine

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