Board logo

subject: Having The Best Brand Or Logo For Your Business [print this page]

1. Your company should be represented in a creative and honest manner by your logo. If security is your business, it would be foolish to have a logo that represents furniture or vegetables. You also do not want a logo that is too much like those of your major competitors. When your logo is designed, you should be certain it displays something that is connected to your business, including the job you do, as well as the reason you are qualified to do it. You are special and your business is too.

1. Your logo ought to advertise your company in a special but true way. A logo that brings to mind vegetables or furniture does not work for a security business. Similarly, you want to take care that your logo is not too much like your competition. Make sure the logo you design delivers a message about your business. It should say what you do and why you are good at it. You are special and so is your company. Your marketing should focus on the aspects of your business that are unique and make you rise above your competitors. Your clients will know who you are and you will be a unique individual with a logo that is well designed.

2. Be sure to keep your logo simple by skipping unneeded details. A good number of firms have discovered that keeping a logo simple will make it more easily identified. A few intense lines will stand out more than multiple fine lines. If your letters are in a strong font, they will be easier to read. And the additional benefit of utilizing an easy logo? This will ensure that you have a logo that will work in both small or large formats.

3. Your logo should look just as good in black and white as it looks in color. If your logo is created to look good in black and white, it will certainly look good with other single tone printing. Looking at your logo in black and white will help you see if you have only included the necessary details. What is an additional benefit of looking at your logo in black and white? One color printing costs less than a regular four color printing for logos. Also, it should be possible for you to alter the color considering the material that you intend to print your logo on, such as a lighter logo on a dark project, or a dark logo on a light project.

4. Your logo should look good in a range of sizes. Your logo will show you off in a variety of different mediums. You will want your logo to look amazing whether you are placing it on business cards, letterheads, or a billboard. Make sure that your logo will work in any size. You may not currently have plans for billboards, but someday you might.

5. You should have a logo that is balanced aesthetically. Your logo should be created so one portion does not overshadow the other portions. Symmetry, color placement, and shape all have an effect on the appearance of the logo. Any work of art looks better when it is well-balanced. A logo is no exception. If these simple pointers are followed, you and your marketing campaign will both benefit from your logo.

by: Stephen Grisham, Sr.

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