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The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received / by Liz Claman (Hachette Audio, 2006) Unabridged selections on 3 compact discs. Read by Jason Singer and Staci Snell. ISBN 9781594836534

In The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received, CNBC anchor Liz Claman presents the advice of dozens of the most successful and most respected investors in America. Because she had years of experience interviewing them on camera and talking to them off camera, she was able to solicit essays from such people as Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, Suze Orman, John Bogle, and Steve Forbes.

As with all books of essays, some are better than others. The authors naturally draw on their own experience. Not all of their advice will be applicable to every reader, but certain overarching themes emerge:

Invest in management, that is, pay more attention to how well or badly a company is run than to how it's stock is performing at the moment.

Diversify your investments to spread risk.

Think of the worst that could happen, and whether you could afford for it to happen, before you look at the best that could happen

Don't follow the crowd.

Considering that the economy was flying high when this book first appeared and that is very weak now, the advice to take a contrarian viewpoint insures that this book will retain value no matter now much economic conditions have changed. There is always danger in the herd instinct and always opportunity in trying to see things differently than everyone else.

Other books may do a better job of explaining particular techniques or investments, but The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received excels at presenting the multiple viewpoints of individuals whose reputation comes from their conspicuous success. Investors can see both the variety of different approaches that have proven successful and the core principles that undergird the difference between success and failure of all of them. Both the seasoned investor and the rank beginner will find useful ideas here.

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The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received: A Review

By: All-Purpose Guru

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