subject: Why A Family Dentist Is The Best Choice For Your Dental Care [print this page] Everybody knows the fundamentals of taking care of their gums and teeth right? Brushing at least two times each day as well as flossing daily is basically just something advertisements on the tv advise you to do. Creating a good working relationship with your dentist and staff is one thing that will assist your family too. An expert team that understands your needs and has observed your children's teeth develop through the years is a superb asset to your family's health.
In this article we will look into some age specific dental needs so that you can see all the advantages of this long term relationship.
Beginning in infancy while teeth are growing and beginning to appear, problems might be seen in new teeth known as baby bottle rot. This happens mainly with children that are put to bed with a bottle of milk or formula. The supply of sugars and acids in the formula is held in the mouth long enough for them to create harm. That is something which can very easily be prevented. A good suggestion may be to go as far as offering some water to the baby following a bottle of formula or milk, thus reducing the acids remaining in the mouth.
Another problem parents and their family dental practice might face is a very common one also, thumb or finger sucking. As primary teeth appear, a foreign object in the mouth regularly or while the child is sleeping can harm the development pattern. Just like in later life a retainer or braces would be used to fix this damage the continual presence of the thumb or fingers will cause it.
Your family dental team can even evaluate before the age of five by watching the spacing of baby teeth and formation of the jaw. An excellent way to catch problems early on is by having a panoramic x-ray done around five years old. This will give a good view of any possible problems with the development and placement of adult teeth. It will also show any that might be missing so that care of those precious existing teeth can be optimized. This is not as rare as you may think as some people live their entire lives with a few of their baby teeth still in place.
In rarer cases an evaluation may lead to the need to expand the palate to accommodate adult sized teeth or aligning and correcting a cross bite. This is not as scary as it sounds in fact you would be surprised how pliable the palate is and for how long. In fact palatal expansion can be corrected up to fourteen to sixteen years of age for girls and sixteen to eighteen years of age for boys. The bones of the skull have not solidified at this stage. It is certainly worth knowing these things early rather than having to take more traumatizing measures later on.
There's no replacement for awareness of home dental care. This lies nearly completely on parents the first 6 years of a child's existence because they do not have the motor skills for brushing teeth much less flossing. However this is an opportunity because the discipline and teaching of dental care will remain ingrained far better with this guidance. There are several excellent tools available to assist with this task. Browse the dental care section at your nearby pharmacy and you may be astonished at the tools available, among them tooth brushes with timers and small floss holders, that make flossing easier and right for use on children. Surprisingly just having your child keep their mouth open long enough for you to assist with cleaning is going to be of great value to lessen the fear factor for that initial visit to the family dental office.
So in summary, here is our list of suggestions for children from infancy to six years of age:
. Establish a relationship with an excellent family dental team early in the infant's life so developments of any potential problems are seen at a beginning stage.
. Discourage feeding from a bottle in the crib as this could cause damage to primary teeth.
. Discourage thumb or finger sucking because this can prohibit correct alignment of teeth and cause malformation of palate.
. Have your family dental team take a panoramic x-ray around the age of five to check for possible adult tooth development and eruption.
Keep in mind that you'll be the home care giver for the child's dental care for several years but it is possible to make that a good time in your day and quality time for your child with some creativity and the right tools. We are happy to assist with dental hygiene product information that could be helpful when you visit our family dental office.
by: Robert Blount
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