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subject: Second Income Coach Review [print this page]

SIC - Second Income Coach, founded and managed by Gerry Schroeder, a successful Network Marketer with over 20 years in the home business industry especially in online and Network Marketing. Gerry developed a Funded Proposal / Funded Sponsoring system that is designed to create "TenThousandaries". Formulated to train and educate new and seasoned marketers to help them attain their goals and success in online marketing.

In August of 2010 Gerry Schroeder in partnership with the Internet Marketing Trainer Janet Legere founder and manager of Earth Friendly Biz decided to merge their programs and make the training provided by Earth Friendly Biz available for Second Income Coach members. Earth Friendly Biz teaches Internet Marketing skills while Second Income Coach focus on Network Marketing. The outcome of that partnership is the perfect marriage between two critical and essential areas of online marketing that were so far taught separately by other marketers and courses, that makes Second Income Coach a complete learning education center.

With Second Income Coach you can:

- Build your list: The system can be hooked up seamlessly with the GVO eResponder Pro by Global Virtual Opportunities. Allowing you to capture the name and email addresses of all your members sign up through your website.

- Grow your Primary Business: Your members are introduced to your primary business as soon as they log into the back office and are encouraged to learn more about what your business and contact you for more information.

- Create Multiple Streams of Income: Inside the members area you can find a list of several proven effective programs that allows you to not only to take advantage of the services provided by each one of the programs but also build multiple streams of income as your referrals sign up and upgrade with each one of them. Including advertising resources, online marketing tools, educational materials and eCourses, etc...

- Brand yourself: As an upgraded member you can customize the system with your own personal video which is played on the lead capture page. That way establishing a close relationship with your prospect since the time they first visit your website.

- And much more...

By applying some of the basic techniques that are part of the Earth Friendly Biz Internet Marketing training inside Second Income Coach, the user should be able to start seeing positive results within their first days or weeks after becoming a member while learning how to use and implement advanced Network Marketing techniques which are part of the training available for upgraded members. Live weekly training calls with Gerry Schroeder and guests are held online at the Second Income Coach conference room for all free and upgraded members. That last one alone is priceless.

Anderson's Scorecard

Pros: Second Income Coach IS a complete and fully customizable marketing system that not only provides users with the best resources, but also a magnificent top-notch Network and Internet Marketing training developed by savvy online marketers. Perfect for newbies and seasoned marketers.

Cons: The system currently can only be hooked up with the GVO eResponder. That means if you already have another autoresponder service you will not be able to use the list building capability to its fullest. Unless if you become a member of GVO that provides you with an autoresponder and many other essential marketing services included in your membership and that is a good solution for your online marketing needs.

Cost: The system is free to join and use. Upgraded members have access to advanced training, customization of the system with their own primary business and video and several other features for $29.95 monthly.

Second Income Coach Review

By: Anderson Goncalves

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