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subject: Promote Your Business with Bumper Stickers [print this page]

Promoting your business with bumper stickers is really ridiculously simple. It's so easy to order the stickers you want online, and you can even use your actual business logo and colors. There are lots of ways to use bumper stickers as promotional tools. Here are just a few design ideas to choose from.

One simple way to use bumper stickers as promotional tools is to simply print colored or black and white stickers with your company's name and phone number. If you're already well-known in your community, this can be effective. It can also work if your company name makes it obvious why the customer would want to call you. If your name is a little enigmatic, though, this might not be the best way to go about this project.

When all you really want to do is get people to recognize your brand, then having bumper stickers with your company name, logo, motto, or colors can be helpful. You don't even have to include contact information if the point is just to start making your business recognizable. Of course, it can't hurt to add your website address or phone number at the bottom, either.

If brand recognition is your game, you should definitely be using the same colors on all your promotional materials. Humans are very color oriented in general and will remember what color certain things are. If your business cards, coffee mugs, and bumper stickers all use different colors, no one will remember you! You can have your colors matched exactly for an extra fee, or you can rely on your artistic instincts to pick colors that are very similar to those you're using on your other promotional materials.

One other way to use bumper stickers for promotions is to make people curious about your business and what you do. You can do this by having interesting bumper stickers or funny ones that make people smile. You can always add your business's name and phone number at the bottom of the bumper sticker. Your goal here is to simpler get your name out there, and this can be a good option for businesses that are just starting out.

Choosing the design and style for your bumper stickers is the toughest part. Once you've got that done, though, ordering online is a piece of cake. You'll have excellent stickers for promoting your business in no time!

Promote Your Business with Bumper Stickers

By: J. Fischer

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