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subject: How The Business Phone System Affects Customer Service [print this page]

So many business owners fail to realize that by trying to save a few bucks by going with a used, outdated or old-fashioned telephone system that they are in fact doing nothing more than costing themselves a lot of money. You have to make sure that you are investing in your business where it counts and one area where it counts a lot is the phone system.

Some of the biggest complaints from customers concerning some major companies is that their calls are always being dropped, after waiting on hold for an hour. They also say that the connection never sounds clear or that they can never seem to get transferred to the right department because the customer service rep is unable to get the phone to work properly. These kinds of situations say a lot about a company.

If the customers are noticing that the company that they are paying their hard earned money to can't even invest in a good quality phone system, then they are likely to take their business elsewhere, if that is indeed something that they are able to do. You might have already lost a lot of business and never realized that it was because you had a poor phone system in place.

Updating your business phone systems is incredibly easy. Once you select the kind of system, you want and you hire a company for the job, the entire process might take a day, even for large companies. As you can see, it is not like this is a huge task to undertake so you want to make sure that you stop putting it off and that you are doing the right thing by figuring out how to upgrade to a better and more advanced phone system.

Once you have the better phone system in place, you will notice that business will pick up and you will not have as many irritated or upset customers. This will simply be because they were able to call you, actually get through to someone and have a clear line while doing it. It cannot get much easier than this!

by: John Kirzno

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