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subject: A Business Card Designed For Your Company [print this page]

Custom Business Card Design For Companies is an increasingly important part of our modern world. Often in increasingly difficult financial times, there is the temptation to spend less on advertising and promotional material.

A custom design especially for your business will help send out the right message. In a lot of cases, your business card is the first impression that a client sees of you. A good card will attract people to your website or make you the first port of call when they need your particular service. They are more likely to keep hold of them and not use them as bookmarks!

There are various materials to choose from. Silk is an example of a very tactile material that people like. The silk matte finish and 16 point thick card stock is bold and attractive. And with full color on both sides this means you do not have to worry about what side the client looks at your card.

Consider what your business is and the stage you are at. Certain designs work better for different companies. This is why Taste of Ink has specific categories for different companies, so that the design templates have a kind of genre that people recognize. You can still add distinctive features to make yours stand out. It is a balance that is not always easy to achieve, but this is where the design team have had experience and it is important to trust them.

Suede is another different material choice. With a very different feel from a normal business card, it is probably ideal for fashion design as it has a strong brand association. It comes with all the features of the cotton card apart from embossing.

Different companies have different requirements, depending on the industry and what kind of clients you are targeting. The website not only has pictures of the various samples, but you can also get specific information about the processes behind the design.

Say for example you are promoting a five star hotel. The use of bold silver foil text stands out. Doubled sided spot gloss highlights then adds to the effect, further adding to the image of class.

At this point, it is a good idea to get feedback from people. Is this the kind of design that is appropriate for your company? Do people like it? If this is a new logo, does it sum up your company? If it is building on an old one, does it add to the design?

When choosing the shape, size and material of your card, consider the kind of business you run. If your business is aimed at children, an unusual shape will appeal more. This will help parents remember you, so that may be best. If you want a more professional look, the embossed cotton look will be more associated with a white collar business.

In short, Taste of Ink provides the opportunity for new companies to establish themselves and for existing companies to improve on their established logos. Taste of Ink custom designed business cards can make all the difference!

by: Suzzane Brinks

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