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subject: Manifesting Wealth Means Knowing Much More Than A Few Business Strategies [print this page]

Here's an obvious statement...there are many folks working hard at manifesting wealth each and every day of their lives. I'm talking about this because too few people really understand exactly what the secret is to creating abundance and wealth and I'd like to help you understand it better.

What could possibly be this missing secret that far too many people gloss over when it comes to their manifesting wealth efforts? During all their efforts, they don't spend enough energy and time with improving their personal growth and development skills.

They sure learn lots of techniques and strategies for creating prosperity and wealth from all the books, dvd's & home study courses they invest in. They can't wait to get to the next wealth building seminar. They spend a lot of time investigating all the latest tricks and techniques on how to build network marketing businesses, invest in real estate or trade options, stocks and bonds.

But what ends up happening, however, when those dvd's, books and seminars never end up with real wealth pouring in? They start thinking that all that massive amount of information was just a fraud and a scam.

What did they miss during this entire process? Did you catch it? They never thought seriously about how much they must grow during this process in order for all that awesome knowledge to begin paying off for them. Sound familiar to you in any way?

What I want to get you thinking about is that if you've been an employee for the majority of your life, then before you can begin manifesting wealth, you've got to invest time manifesting new business and personal growth skill-sets.

Has your boss ever given you a course on how to move forward after taking rejection? Has your employer ever provided any training that business is all about "knowing the numbers" and how these numbers pertain to prospecting?

Before you can find the winners in something like real estate or network marketing, you must looks at a certain number of homes or talk to a set number of people. How much do you know about the percentages when it comes to how many people or homes will work out for you and how many won't?

Being an employee mostly, how much do you honestly know about how to best buy advertising, the Law of Attraction or about the mental skills that lead to you becoming a better businessperson?

Are you starting to see how manifesting wealth in your life is going to hinge much more on how you think and who you are becoming than it is on that next outstanding real estate technique?

Let me leave you with one final piece of advice that has been instrumental in my own life. Go out, investigate, and then join up with a networking organization or group that provides its members with regular trainings and education on things like wealth creation, health, prospecting, personal growth, the Law of Attraction, and business/mental skills, etc.

It's when you start improving in all of those areas that manifesting wealth will begin to happen for you.

by: Matt Zavadil.

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