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subject: Mobile Cell Phone Marketing Programs: Mobile Business Via Sms Ads [print this page]

Economics experts always tell you to search for the easy dough, the relatively lowfruits, the low competition. Industry executives are always on the lookout for better paradigms to sell their services. Mailing via SMS is better and fresh circulating channel for businesses of all different types, and it is being underutilized. Deduce these statistics when examining why SMS text marketing should be a essential marketing medium for your business:. When given a choice 39percent of US consumers 76 million people prefer text messages toradio or TV advertising; still,, only 3% of most marketing campaigns at present have a text component.

Response amounts for Text (SMS) Marketing have been shown to continually outperform all other commerce media, some rates as high as 70percent. Audiences who subscribe to your SMS Marketing program do so because they like your service. Offers that are mailed to your SMS advertising program subscribers are given in a acceptable fashion. It saves the consumer time, and the retailer has access to a cellphone number for advertising or research.

The expenses of text sms marketing is fairly low. Text SMS Mobile Cell Phone Marketing is a low cost method for small business to advertise.

Over 4 billion buyers today possess a cell phone, and that is a business fields that is barely touched.

According to a survey by Enpocket, a London-based mobile-marketing company, users aged 16 to 25 all in all want their phone to beep with a broadcast an average of 6 to 10 times a day.

If you have done any Internet marketing before, you might have been making a comfortable money from the conservative affiliate circulating techniques, such as Pay Per Click with Google Adwords, or Search Engine Optimization with article submission, blogging and social networking etc.

But why is Mobile Phone SMS Marketing more impressive than traditional methods?

With this service, you are reaching an approximated of 405 Million mobile Internet customers worldwide through contextual- and search ads about your products and services on all types of smart phones with internet cabapility.

The mobile population is five times more popular than Internet population. communicate on the cell phone network the same way as on the internet. With a computer the cost of entry to get Internet access is about $1000 plus for the PC and broadband whereas a mobile is less than half the cost.

And you can get started for at this moment a measly $100 with 1 cent per click and benefit a good amount of bucks from it.

by: bretexresp

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