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subject: First thing you need in designing your martial arts business website [print this page]

The reason why you should have a website is to attract new students and have them take some action to get in contact with you.

Of course the best way someone decides to contact you should be via the telephone, not email, text message or any other form of communication.

The biggest mistake most martial arts business owners make is that they start following some internet guru's advice about how they should run their website.

The problem is these guru's for most part is that they run on-line business' so they will have a completely different approach to gaining a new customer that will purchase on-line as opposed to you and I that run a real bricks and mortor business that involves people coming into the school to enrole.

It all begins with a telephone call. A conversation about what services you have to offer and how you can provide them with a solution to their needs.

Here are some of the key things your contact number of the school should be on-line:

1. Easy to find - make it loud and proud, make it easy to find have it on every webpage that you display, the bigger the better.

2. Keep it local - I know the rage a few years ago was free numbers but now people want to deal with a real person that is in their area. Have a local number, some carriers offer a local number that you can use with your cell phone these days, very cool!

3. Must be visable on the top fold (thats visable as the page loads without scrolling). Again sometimes a customer wil be using the internet just to find your number thats it! So give it to them dont hide it. Just let them have it loud and proud.

Now once they have found your number you must have someone professionally answer the phone at all times, most school owners certainly in the USA and the UK only operate partime hours.

This is a big mistake, when it comes to answering the phones get someone to answer the phone professionally and be able to accomplish the main objective of having a martial arts website in the first place which is to gain a new students and thats starts with conversion to make an appointment.

In part three I will be covering the art of creating a fantastic offer and call to action to make them want to pick up the phone and call them.

First thing you need in designing your martial arts business website

By: Leigh Childs

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