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subject: Extraodinary Performance TaylorMade R9 Irons Review [print this page]

TaylorMade understands that the bulk of their business originates from the better player looking to improve. And that's why the TaylorMade R9 irons have been accepted and classified as the new coming - a thin faced game-improvement irons designed to increase ball speed and distance.Staffed with a straight forward, tear drop shape face, and definitely provides for a nice look and feel at address. And if you want to buy the R9 irons at a lower price, just check out online to find discount for golf clubs offered in those stores.

The 3 iron through the 6 iron features a foam filled chamber behind the club face that allowed the designers to produce an ultra thin face. What does this do? A thinner face allows an overall weight reduction which equates to higher ball speeds and better distance. To top it off, the face uses the R9 inverted technology to expand the hottest area on the club face. The end result - one hot iron that is pure innovation! In fact, this iron earned Golf Digest Gold award as the most innovative game improvement iron for 2010.

TaylorMade R9 irons are an oversized club that has feel. The long irons absolutely murder the golf ball and despite the slight drop in forgiveness over the r7 irons that came before, they are still quite forgiving. Moreover, they are actually good looking golf irons. If you are a mid- to high-handicap player, this is a set of clubs I would highly recommend the R9 not just for the excellent performance but also for the discount for golf clubs offered online.

Extraodinary Performance TaylorMade R9 Irons Review

By: pinkie

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