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subject: How Local Small Business Can Use Social Media to Get More Customers [print this page]

It seems like where ever you go the buzz word right now is social media! But can a local small business really benefit from social media and get real life paying customers from it or is it just for brand awareness?

Depending on whom you talk to and their own agenda you will get very different answers to this question, however there is one truth that you can't deny regardless of your standpoint.

The truth or trend I am referring to is that Social networking and media is here to stay and you must adapt and learn how to use it to market your products and services or your competition will and they will build a strong force within your market place.

If you are not familiar with social media, it basically is any website or community or websites which allows users to create, comment and share information and content freely. The major social networking and media sites right now are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Foursquare, YouTube.

Social networking and media ready gives the microphone to your consumers, it allows your consumers to have a voice and others will listen. This is great news if you have a great product and service; it provides transparency within the market place, which ultimately can only be a good thing - keeping people honest.

Social media also allows businesses to communicate with clients and potential clients in ways you could never do before. For example as smart phones like iPhones spread like wildfire and with Facebook the world biggest social media community you can effectively get your marketing message in your consumers' pockets as they go about their day to day routines.

Social media is the ultimate form or word-of-mouth advertising and once your message builds up momentum it can take on a life of its own.

Some of the down draws to social networking and media marketing is that it takes a lot of time and a much more subtle approach than traditional marketing methods. This is why many business owners invest in social media managers.

How Local Small Business Can Use Social Media to Get More Customers

By: Sam Stone

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