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subject: Oil And Gas Supply Demand Outlook In The Americas To 2020 - Aarkstore Enterprise [print this page]

Aarkstore announce a new report "Oil and Gas Supply Demand Outlook in the Americas to 2020 - Increasing Oil and Gas Production Changing the Industry Dynamics

" through its vast collection of market research report.


Oil and Gas Supply Demand Outlook in the Americas to 2020 - Increasing Oil and Gas Production Changing the Industry Dynamics, provides an in-depth analysis of the oil and gas supply and demand outlook in the Americas and highlights the various concerns, shifting trends and concerns. This energy report provides forecasts for the crude oil production and consumption sectors of the oil and natural gas industry to 2020. The report also provides segmental forecasts of the crude oil and natural gas trade balance in North America and South America and highlights the major countries in the region. The report discusses the regulatory structure and infrastructure in the different countries in the region. The report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by GBI Researchs team of industry experts.

North America is expected to witness growth in the production of both oil and gas in the next 10 years. In addition to strong growth in demand, the development of oil and gas shale fields will result in strong growth in oil and gas production from North America. Between 2010 and 2020, North American oil and gas production rates are forecast to increase at AAGRs of 2.1% and 0.7%, respectively. By 2015, Brazil will emerge as South and Central Americas largest crude oil producer, surpassing Venezuela and Mexico. With substantial reserves found in the waters off Brazil, the country is expected to increase its production by an average of 7.8% per annum. Further, amidst the increasing usage of hydroelectricity and ethanol production from sugarcane, the demand for fossil fuels is expected to remain low in Brazil in the medium to long term.


The report provides in-depth analysis on the oil and gas supply and demand scenario in the Americas. Its scope includes:

* Crude oil and natural gas production, consumption, imports and exports and trade movements.

* Annualized historical data from 1996 and forecast data to 2020.

* Key geographies including the US (United States), Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Ecuador and Bolivia.

* Analysis of the crude oil and natural gas supply and trade balances.

* Regulatory structure and infrastructure (exploration and production, pipelines) for the crude oil and natural gas markets

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by: Aarkstore Enterprise

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