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subject: Live a Productive Life by Losing Fat Fast [print this page]

All your success in your life can be termed as unproductive if you do not have a good health to enjoy their fruits. Hence you should lose fat fast and get back to a good shape of health so that you can live a meaningful life.

If you aim to lose fat fast, you should have a good exercises regimen comprising both cardio exercises and weight training exercises. Cardio exercises like brisk walking, cycling, swimming and jogging are very good in burning calories. Since these cardio exercises burn the muscles also, you should incorporate weight training excesses also into your exercise sessions so that you will be able to rebuild your burned muscles. If you have good muscles, most of the fat-burning work will be taken over by your muscles because these muscles require more calories for their maintenance. They also keep burning the calories throughout the day even while you sleep.

You should also change your routine of eating to lose fat fast. Instead of eating three large meals, you should start eating 6 or 7 smaller meals. This type of frequent eating of smaller meals will improve your metabolism to such an extent that the entire calories of these smaller meals will be burned completely. However, your body does not have the capacity to burn the entire calories that are contained in larger meals. So you can lose fat fast.

Another advice given by experts to lose fat fast is to eat your food slowly because your brain realizes that you are eating and your stomach will be filled soon only 20 minutes after you commence eating. However, if you feel hungry and start eating fast, you will have been over-eaten before the brain realizes this fact. Hence you should give sufficient time to your brain to realize this so that you ultimately eat less than usual.

Experts also advise that you should eat after one or two hours of your exercise sessions so that your body will be able to burn more calories because of the peak metabolic rate that prevails then.

You should also stop drinking carbonated drinks like bottled drinks and sugary sodas because they do not contain any other nutrient except sugar. Sugar is a bad carbohydrate, and it is not burned completely. So instead of these carbonated drinks you should choose to drink only water for quenching your thirst. In the same manner, you should also avoid drinking alcoholic drinks because they also do not contain any nutrients except calories. Excessive drinking of alcohol will also lead to nutritional imbalance and accumulation of fat.

You should drink lots of water to achieve greater results for your efforts to lose fat fast. Water flushes our the wasteful toxins that have entered your body, and so you can easily lose fat fast. Water also hydrates your body very well and so the metabolism of your body gets to peak form.

These are simple but effective steps to lose fat fast, and so you should follow them religiously to achieve quick results.

Live a Productive Life by Losing Fat Fast

By: Tom White

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