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subject: Save More Money On Your Utilities [print this page]

One of the items that you will no doubt need to pay at the end of the month in order to keep surviving is your utility bills, and that is for good reason as nobody wants to live without them. However, that does not mean you cannot find ways to lower them, and this article will tell you how.

If you prefer to pay a set amount of money each month for convenience on your budget wise, you can actually seek for payment plans that charges you a set amount of money based on your past 12 months usage. This way you can expect to pay the same amount of money every month, and any excess will be tabulated at the end of the year to be paid by then.

Another thing you can save more money is to actually use less hot water, and opt to use more cold water instead. Hot water involves gas and electricity; as such it is only fair that your utility company charges you more for this premium. Thus learn how to use colder water when you do not need hot water to save more on your bills.

As technology advance, there are many electrical goods and items that can tremendously help you with your utilities bills. One example is your refrigerator; choose those that have auto power save to lower the cost of living, although initial investment is high, it should be reflected in your bill after a year or so, and effectively paying itself off.

Although you are advised to not spend too much time in the shower, we still like to pamper ourselves once in a while. If you are one of those who like spending time in your shower, do consider installing faucet aerator which actually helps regulate the flow of your shower head and promote more efficient water consumption.

One more money saving tip on your bills is to make sure that your house do not have a leak window and that your house is fully sealed and shut when you want them to be. The energy cost will no doubt go up when you have a leaked window when you turn on the air conditioning, as they need more power to get to the desired temperature that you have set. As such check around the house to make sure that you are using your electricity efficiently.

Lastly, always check your bills for usage to have a good idea of whether you're actually using so much without realizing it. Look for areas where you can cut down on usage when possible.

by: Steve Busche

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