subject: How To Get A Small Business Loan [print this page] Securing business credit for your small company is dependant upon finding the right funding source. There are so many options to choose from, and so many things that can happen when you choose the wrong one. Learning how to get a small business loan is an important piece of your ability to successfully run and grow a small company. This article will teach you how to get a small business loan.
Small business owners face different challenges than larger corporations. Owners sometimes have to withdraw business funds against their personal credit to use for personal needs. Their ability to grow can be based upon their ability to have growth in their credit lines and their personal credit reports and owners dont always adhere to strict corporate credit guidelines that could help them maintain their stability while dealing with a down economy.
One way to determine how to get a small business loan and what is right for your business is to sit down and put your funding goals together for the next year, and then look at where you want to be again in five years. Here are some of the things we suggest you figure out when going after your next funding:
Is your cash flow enough without needing additional capital?
What is your actual need and are you expanding or are you looking for cushion for your risk?
The best loan terms and options come from anticipating your needs rather than looking for emergency funding. Look ahead for funding when you can.
Risk affects your ability to secure funding, how great is the risk in your business and what can you do to alleviate any of that risk before going after funding?
What state of development are you in? If youre transitioning in your business, needs can become more critical or urgent.
Know the specifics of what you need additional capital for? Lenders will require your needs and have expectations for those needs.
Is your business in a thriving industry or depressed? Your money needs and the sources you can utilize may be vastly different from those that are in a depressed industry.
Does your business surround certain seasons or cycles? Financing is designed to support businesses during their down times, or to get them through their less busy times, so plan accordingly.
Is your management team strong and supportive? Does your business plan support your management team and vice versa?
by: Andy Kyle
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