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subject: A Short Phaser 8560 Review [print this page]

For anyone who has been in search of a new printer, considering what's listed in a few reviews can be very helpful. When you understand the common capabilities of the printers that you are curious about, you will be able to find a printer that will be able to accomplish the tasks that you need. The following information is about the Xerox Phaser 8560 Printer and Xerox 8560 printer toner cartridges.

Although this specific model of printer was intended for the office, due to the professional results that it gives, many people also use it for the home office instead. The print results are high quality and without the typical waiting time. Because the printer uses solid Xerox Phaser cartridge, you will receive a unique gloss result which is visibly different from what you would receive with laser or ink jet printers.

Another noteworthy factor is the lack of waiting time related to using this printer. With laser printers, it is more common to have to wait 30 seconds or even a few minutes before the printer is ready to perform the task. Due to the difference in mediums, this printer is generally ready to print within 3 seconds. However, because the printer uses solid ink, it takes a few minutes to melt the ink initially at the beginning of the day.

Because the printer was originally made for the office, it has a larger size of 60 pounds. However, this is not to say that the printer is excessively large in size. You could store it under your desk or beside it if you needed to have your prints accessible, and you will still manage to save some space in the process.

It comes with an easy to understand manual and is very simple to setup. Many users have some problems knowing which cartridge should slide into which location, however, it is less of a problem with this model. Each cartridge and the slot that it is assigned to is uniquely shaped so that there is no confusion about which cartridge should be placed in a certain area.

Something that should be noted are the add-on features and the maintenance kit. If you want to add in additional paper feeders at the bottom, the option is available for an extra price. This is generally not necessary, however, because the feeder that is already included is able to manage various types of paper jobs. The maintenance kit needs to be replaced every 10,000 to 30,000 pages printed, depending on which capacity kit that you need for the printer.

Because this printer is most often used in offices, it is known to use more energy than what you would use with a desktop printer. If you are using this in your home office, this can be a concern. However, there haven't been many energy complaints related to the printer itself. An additional factor that should be noted is that although many desktop printers are silent, this is a office printer, and it tends to run moderately silent instead. These factors should be considered for anyone that is interested in using this in a home office situation.

by: Ben Pate

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