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subject: Customizing Promotional Toolkits For Your Business [print this page]

Business can be a fickle mistress: some days are great, some days are not, and some days are somewhere in between. While many businesses do great, the truth is that the majority of successful business will have exceptional marketing campaigns under their belt. In reality many marketing schemes are the work of seasoned professionals that have played the ad game for years. However, there are cost effective and successful marketing methods that wont add another member to your payroll or hurt your budget.

A promotional toolkit is a simple, effective way to get your point across to potential clients especially if your business is linked to construction or general contracting. However, promotional toolkits arent just limited to the manual labor business; you can customize your toolkits for your real estate company or even for your plumbing company. Depending on the choices you make you can have a valuable tool, create a learning experience for your client, or give your customers a valuable piece of information.

General contractors best friends happen to be tools. So the creation and use of a toolkit as a promotional item is simple. The only question you might have is which one to choose and why. As a general contractor, your business will most likely specialize in manual labor such as roofing, siding, or window installation. In many cases, whether youre working or not, you will find a need for a screwdriver. With luck, you can find a personalized option for a 4-in-1 magnetic screwdriver set. Pair this with your companys logo and you will have a valuable tool for both your clients and your employees.

Working in real estate grants you contact with people from all walks of life. A promotional multi-tool can help you read leases, always have a pen on hand, or measure for the placement of furniture. With the magnifier toolkit and youre propertys logo or contact number your clients will be able to think of you whenever they have a hard time reading the fine print. As a real estate employee, its important to have a pen on hand at all times for signing leases or filling out thank you cards. With the multi-functional promotional products available, you can find a mini-tape measure to help your clients figure out how their furniture would best fit in a space.

Plumbing is a tricky business sometimes and usually the problem will be more than just skin deep. In many cases, a multi-tool kit is a great way to adjust a quick fix. Paired with a small flashlight, your toolkit can help shed some light on problems for your client even if youre not around at the time. A flashlight never seems to be around when you need one; however, with the flashlight multi-tool its easy to find problems fast or even just find your keys at the bottom of your purse on a dark night.

A promotional multi-tool is essential both for business and for personal reasons, but when you meld the two together it can be simple to give your clients a reason to remember your name. Imprinted toolkits are a great way for clients to always have your number.

by: sirangikalpana

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