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Tacfit Commando Review
Tacfit Commando Review

The Tacfit Commando program which was developed by martial arts expert and trainer, Scott Sonnon is not your typical fitness program. In fact, it has a totally different goal than most of the programs we know. While most fitness plans are made for people who want to look better first and foremost, this one doesn't really deal with looks at all.

The Tacfit workouts are based on the same workouts that Scott Sonnon uses to train special ops soldiers from around the world: units of the US army and navy, UK troops, counter-terrorism forces, and even paratroopers of the Israeli Defense Forces. These workouts are more about functionality and ability than improving your looks. Tacfit exercises are designed to build up your strength, stamina, flexibility, recovery ability, and fitness. It uses body weight exercises alone to achieve this.

What I Have Learned From Going Through The Tacfit Commando System? There is a 119 page program manual that describes all the steps of the system and how to go about getting started. Every exercise introduced in this training program can be done in 3 different sophistication levels. The higher the levels are, the more difficult the exercise is to perform.

Will Tacfit Commando Techniques Work For You Too? At the start, you will be required to work out your own body fitness levels and then plan your workouts based on the commando mission calendar provided. Beginners are recommended to start off with the easiest sophistication levels and get used to the movement before progressing to increase the difficulty gradually as their bodies get stronger.

Review of the Tacfit Commando Learning Materials. The main bulk of this program is actually within the training videos that really make up most of the training package. The training ebook manual is just a small section of the entire package, but I have found that the training videos are much easier to understand.

Is TACFIT Commando a Scam? One of the first things many people wonder when when first hear about the TACFIT Commando workout is whether or not it's a scam. The concept of being able to exercise without weights and get super fit is new to a lot of people, and it might seem like a hoax to someone who has gone to a gym their entire life.

The bottom line is, TACFIT Commando program is not a scam, a hoax, or a ripoff these bootcamp exercises really do work as well as advertised and really have to be experienced firsthand to believe.

Overall, you need to make a decision whether training like soldiers do is something that interests you and whether you're ready for what will prove to be a mighty challenge. There's no doubt that this is an intensive program but the results may be worth it if you're determined. It's a high quality plan but not everyone is cut out for it. Only you can tell if you are.

Click to Download The Tacfit Commando Program

TACFIT Commando Review| TAC FIT Commando Workout Reviews

By: kdieis

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