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subject: Going Green Is Great For Businesses [print this page]

Start with easily attainable goals that you set in order to turn your current business into a conscious, productive green company. Although this kind of change may take some time, you can begin with things that are easy to change over. You will be happy you did, and your customers will take pride when they use your company. People like it when a business is making every real effort to change the way daily operations impact our planet. And there is a huge niche of earth-friendly people that will want to use you over the competitor for this simple reason.

One thing that you don't want to do is try to peddle a nature look and pass it off as environmentally conscious. Customers that are looking for a green business will spot the discrepancies rather quickly and they will be long gone, and possible aggravated. You want to attract customers not chase them off. That is why starting slow is a good idea. It is less costly to make changes little by little and customers will notice that regular changes are taking place.

A simple thing to do is change your lights to energy efficient types if you have not already. They will help you save money and you will not have to replace them as often. You can also reuse office items, or simply buy those already made from recycled materials. Pens, desktop mats, pads, bags and more are all things you can use as giveaways to your clients and customers. If these items are made from recycled materials you will show your clients and customers you care about the environment.

Many large companies and chains have had their own custom reusable bags made. Even a small business can pull this off. These bags can be bright and colorful with the company logo emblazoned in large letters. It is nice to give some of these away for a special event and have them for sale regularly. There are nice sturdy reusable bags made of recycled plastic and cloth too. Both hold imprinting very well.

If you ensure bins are located where each employee can conveniently access, you can instill a recycle at work program for cans, bottles and paper. It will prove to your employees you care, and that, in turn, will reach the ears of customers and clients. After the word gets out that your business is taking the initiative you will be well on your way to a green business.

by: Ann Christopher

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