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subject: Ultimate Speeches Review [print this page]

If you're like me, then you may feel nervous about writing a wedding toast and presenting it in front of hundreds of people. I didn't know the proper format, how to get started, who to thank, what NOT to say, or how long I should make it!

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The truth is that one week earlier I didn't have a clue on what to say or how to say it. I was trying to figure out excuses so that I would not have to give a wedding toast because my wife, my friends, and my family were all teasing me about being the embarassment of the wedding. They knew how scared I was and they were really letting me have it!

Then I decided that I needed some help because I became determined to really prove everyone wrong! So I got on the internet and began surfing the web. I was searching for sample wedding speeches, example wedding toasts, a free wedding speech, etc.

After reading over several websites I finally stumbled upon this wedding speech site that made a lot of sense. It had been around since 2002 (so I knew it wasn't some fly by night company that is here today and gone tomorrow), it had been featured in the Wall Street Journal, and it really gave a ton of great information to help with wedding speeches and wedding toasts.

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The truth is that one week earlier I didn't have a clue on what to say or how to say it. I was trying to figure out excuses so that I would not have to give a wedding toast because my wife, my friends, and my family were all teasing me about being the embarassment of the wedding. They knew how scared I was and they were really letting me have it!

For starters I really didn't understand before finding this wedding speech site that there was a technical difference betweeen a 'wedding toast' and a 'wedding speech'. A wedding toast traditionally refers to a blessing or short toast (usually like 2 to 6 lines) and a wedding speech is traditionally is about 2 to 5 minutes and is ended with a toast to the couple.

If you are in the wedding party and asked to give a wedding toast, then this really means you should expect to stand up like I did and talk for a few minutes and give more of a wedding speech than just a 4 line toast.

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Ultimate Speeches Review

By: abbyagraham

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