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The drug companies are not interested in finding a cure for Fibromyalgia in the first place because they invent maintenance drugs, not cures. Grab A Copy Click hereDrugs you will need to take, (they hope), for the rest of your life.

Even if the pharmaceutical companies knew what the real cure for Fibromyalgia is, they most likely wouldn't make that information public. Why?Because curing people means losing customers. Losing customers is really not considered very good business.

And there is not much profit in a drug that cures people anyway. But there's lots of profit in maintenance drugs. Drugs they can sell you, month after month, year after year, for the rest of YOUR LIFE.

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And here is the kicker. The pharmaceutical companies are not the only industry that doesn't want you to know what really causes Fibromyalgia. Even with all the billions of dollars the pharmaceutical companies make every year they pale in comparison to another industry.

And why wouldn't this other industry want you to know what the real cure is for Fibromyalgia?

You are not going to believe what other industry that is, but the moment you read it for yourself in chapter 3 of "Fibromyalgia Cured Forever" you will understand why they wouldn't want you to have this information.

Maybe you have heard that it is possible that Fibromyalgia might be a genetic defect (inherited), or maybe a neurological disorder (dealing with brain function, a chemical imbalance). But Fibromyalgia has nothing to do with any of these conditions, and is the reason why the pharmaceutical companies, research scientist, and the medical community will not find a cure.

When you read Fibromyalgia Cured Forever you'll understand that FM is not something you have, but something that you actively do and continue doing to yourself. And as long as you continue doing it, your Fibromyalgia will continue to cause pain and distress in your life.

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Victory Over Fibromyalgia Review

By: martinkirchner

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