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subject: Travel To Spain Tips - Beware Of Consumption Of Alcohol And Drugs [print this page]

Travel To Spain Tips - Beware Of Consumption Of Alcohol And Drugs

When traveling anywhere there is always the chance of consuming alcohol, this can never be prevented. People will drink, especially when there are festivals involved. Heavy consumption of alcohol in Spain has given rise to incidents of surprise and horrors for some, especially when there are drugs involved.

First off, know that the alcohol content of the drinks in Spain is higher than compared to those in the United States. The drinks are also served in larger quantities in bars and restaurants and at first this can be cause for excitement, but be aware that consumption of alcohol in the public places of Madrid is forbidden. They are not however forbidden in bars and restaurants. Respect these rules and there will be no trouble, if you are caught, this can mean imprisonment.

Tourists and visitors should also be made aware that illegal drugs are highly disapproved of in Spain. The authorities are not forgiving about possession of any quantity and it could mean imprisonment. There are already cases of prosecutions for the use and or possession of drugs by visitors of Spain.

The rule to remember is that when in Spain, you have to respect the rules and laws as well as their customs. Simply because an unfortunate incident involves an American does not mean that they will be forgiven. They have very strict rules, never forget that.
Travel To Spain Tips - Beware Of Consumption Of Alcohol And Drugs

When going to bar and restaurants, one should also be aware that there are crimes that can happen. Muggings, theft, pick pocketing and other crimes can happen anywhere, even in the airport. So visitors are again warned to keep their valuables in places which cannot be easily accessible for criminals and that you have photocopies of your identification papers with you separate from the originals. This will save you the time and trouble of looking for proof that you are who you claim you are to be if you don't have any copies with you., the DFA can only do so much with all the work they have to do and cannot readily pull out your records in case you lost them.

If you are driving a rental, make sure that you are free of alcohol and drugs, that you have proper identification and that you always lock the door before you leave it and never ever leave valuables inside. If you are checking into a hotel deposit the valuables with them. They will ensure the safety in case of anything. If you have to travel, inform the hotel of where you plan to go also, just in case.

Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Clipton

by: Nick Clipton

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