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subject: Limbo review [print this page]

Xbox Live Arcade is a catalog still incredibly dense. It is full of nice little games, singular, bubbling with new ideas and accessible at prices often very correct. Of course, there are plenty of useless, but if that's what it takes to see out of beads as Limbo, I agree completely.

Limbo is a game that puts you in the shoes of a little boy lost in his nightmares. It is played in the simplest way that is, identical to a certain LittleBigPlanet, namely that there are only two buttons, one for jumping, the other to hang . Platform to his fingertips, it offers to solve puzzles on your way in a universe absolutely unhealthy. Taking the bias to be fully realized in grayscale, recalling the first animated films in the cinema (Steamboat Willie and company ...), the artistic touch is absolutely sublime. Exit pyrotechnics, demonstrations of force and other pretty pirouettes technological way to control pure and simple. The soundtrack is faithful to the image, namely simple and effective. It is dotted with scary sounds, ambient to discomfort. Attention at times Limbo can jump.

Limbo - Xbox 360 The goal of the game is to move forward, simply. He must face his fears, finding the way forward despite the traps and puzzles that bar your way. These are often rare ingenuity, and you'll probably need to experience death several times before finding how to escape the doom that you are doomed. Most of the time, there is almost no evidence to help you and yet the solution is there before you, until you pass you a little closer. Many of violence that finally figure is much higher than a large trace of hemoglobin flowing on your screen, Playdead has strong performing this little gem. As what the quality of a game does not consider that its ability to display technical effects, Limbo does not even weigh 200 MB In such a small capacity, squash much talent is really a feat. Small flat, however, only 3 hours of play in all and for all if you are not mentally deficient. If you're wondering if I insult your readers who have already bravely conquered limbo in just 4 hours, the answer is yes. For now, Limbo is an exclusive Xbox Live Arcade, but it should land soon on the PlayStation Network and PC.

For only 1200 Microsoft Points, you can get a set containing: a breathtaking atmosphere, beautiful design, a very ingenious level design and a few hours of fun. And no ladies and gentlemen, I do not sell the dream but a nightmare.

Limbo review

By: masoud

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