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Giving Holiday Photo Cards

As you bid adieu to the summer and spring months pass and the slow agony of giving up on the warmth of the sun gives way, you'll be forced to think about two things: staying warm and squaring away your holiday gifts. Invariably, the autumn and winter months bring with them the dreaded chill, but they also bring with them the lion's share of holidays. From Christmas to Thanksgiving to Boxing Day and beyond, as the earth cools, hearths are stoked and memories made.

To be sure, gift-giving has become ubiquitous. There is no need to settle for some obligatory holiday card. Consider giving something more than the usual, mass-produced cards. Consider giving holiday photo cards that combine a customized card with a totally unique photo from your life library of travels or memories. You can, depending on the card site you choose, customize the card from top to bottom. You shouldn't have to deal with a cherub on the card if what you really want is a stylized Christmas tree.

While most card suppliers and online site promise to give you the ability to customize a card, few actually mean it. Customizing a card should be a pretty straightforward thing: you want X, you should get X -- not Y. Also, most card suppliers and online sites promise to deliver value. But, a hundred dollars for 12 cards is not a valuable deal. Be sure you figure out how many cards you will need before falling in love with a card site or supplier. The last thing you want to do is fall for a card, customize it, insert your photo, and then have to pay $500 for a set of 24. You'd be better off investing that in an actual gift.

Like it or not, when it comes to cards -- even if they're holiday photo cards -- is that they're kind of an adjunct to the season. The gifts and celebrations speak for themselves. Cards are there to touch base and convey a sense of community. They're a way of saying "we haven't forgotten you, though we can't be together." So, it's easy to see how people just opt for the generic card designs cranked out every year. If they're there to say "hello" why bother?
Giving Holiday Photo Cards

Why do you bother, then? You take the time to give holiday cards because you want to spread the love, so to speak. With a photo holiday card, you can give a little something more without having to pay for it. A photo can give friends and relatives a glimpse into your growing family, your new home, or the latest pet snuggling up to your leg. They help people understand where you are and how much has changed. In the end. its the gift of a thousand words, bundled up in a swank card!

by: James Pynn

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