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subject: Cloud Computing Not Registering Internationally, Only 37 Percent Of Small Businesses Aware Of It Ove [print this page]

By sdnadmin | July 19, 2010
By sdnadmin | July 19, 2010

While cloud computing adoption has continued to increase in the technology world for companies of all sizes, recent research conducted by Techaisle has given the new technology some interesting international perspective.

According to Techaisles report, which was assembled from research conducted in May and June, many small businesses are either unaware of the new technology or do not understand it. Within the U.S., the UK, Germany, Italy and Brazil, only 37 percent of small businesses those with fewer than 100 employees have heard of cloud computing. Furthermore, of those small businesses aware of the new technology, 13 percent do not understand what it is. Forty-four percent of those aware believe the term refers to a service subscription for items such as a server or hosted storage offered by a third-party, while 29 percent believe cloud computing simply means access to web applications.

Even of the 29 percent of small businesses within the five countries using SaaS, a total grasp of cloud computing falls short.

The report believes major cloud providers have put a majority of their focus on larger corporations and have left smaller businesses behind regarding information about the new technology. Utilizing more channel partner services can increase small business awareness of cloud computing, TechAisle states. Of those small businesses aware of cloud computing, 26 percent found out about it from channel partners, while only 13 percent were informed by an actual IT company. Twenty-five percent of companies in the know retrieved their information from social media websites, such as blogs or user forums. For those small businesses with dedicated channel partners, 48 percent stated those channels have offered them cloud services thus far.

The meager percentage of small businesses aware of cloud computing throughout those countries is interesting, considering previous reports stating increased adoption of the new technology for these organizations in certain locations. In January, research from OpinionMatters expected half of of all small- and medium-sized businesses in the UK to utilize some aspect of cloud computing during 2010, up from 22 percent in 2009. In 2008, an eWeek report had stated 40 percent of domestically surveyed SMBs planned to utilize SaaS aspects by the end of that year. Lastly, in September of 2009, research from Spiceworks found 57 percent of the SMBs the company talked to use cloud computing services.

by: Eddie Adams

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