subject: Fertility Issues - Reasons of Not Getting Pregnant [print this page] One of the most discouraging conditions for a woman is that she is having difficulty in getting pregnant. While pregnancy is more of a chance, there are reasons makes this chance slimmer. Despite the woman's desire to conceive, the reasons of not getting pregnant overcome her capacity. The following are some common causes:
Health condition
It is crucial for a woman to be in healthy condition to increase the chances of getting pregnant. One of the primary reasons of not getting pregnant is the health problem. Some previous surgical operations may affect the woman's capacity to get pregnant, such as cervical surgery. Other reasons of low conception rate are illnesses such as pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis.
Improper diet
Most unhealthy body conditions are caused by poor diet. And poor diet is also one of the most common reasons of not getting pregnant. Lack of essential nutrients and vitamins often results to a decline to fertility rate. Many women who frequently eat fast food are susceptible to infertility.
Sex at the wrong time
Ovulation, the period where the female reproductive system discharges a mature egg, takes place during the fourteenth day of a normal 28-day menstrual cycle. In order to conceive a child, sexual intercourse should be performed three or four days before the ovulation period. Sexual intercourse after the ovulation period will most likely not result to pregnancy.
Infrequent sexual intercourse
The more frequent the sexual intercourse, the more chances of getting pregnant. Frequent sexual intercourse should also be performed during the most fertile period of a woman, which is days before the ovulation period.
Use of lubricants
Many artificial oils and lubricants contain chemicals that can kill the sperm cells. However, there are special lubricants made specifically to increase the chances of getting pregnant by helping the sperm cells survive longer.
Rushing to the bathroom after sex
Urinating or washing the female reproductive area immediately after sexual intercourse will most likely flush away the sperm cells as they make their journey through the female's womb.
Too much physical activity
Even though exercise is good for the overall health of the body, too much of it can be one of the reasons of not getting pregnant. Fat cells are necessary for the production of female's estrogen, and decrease of these fat cells due to excessive exercise also results to the decrease of the production of estrogen.
One of the most common reasons of not getting pregnant is stress. It slows down the production of hormones essential for fertility and pregnancy. Stress also removes the energy to the body, making a person feel very tired and unexcited for sexual intercourse. Unsatisfying sexual intercourse could be one the reasons that people are not getting pregnant.
Drug use
Obviously, illegal drugs and narcotics have never had positive effects to the body. It causes a decrease of the fertility of woman, making it one of the reasons for women not easily get conceived.
Smoking and alcohol intake
Just like drugs, cigarette smoke and alcohol have always been bad for the body. For men, it causes impotency and decrease in fertility. Aside from being one of the reasons of not having successfully conceived, cigarette smoke and alcohol are also the primary reasons of birth-related deformities.
Too much caffeine is among the common reasons of not getting pregnant as it hinders the production of sexual hormones. Other than coffee, another primary source of caffeine is chocolates.
Sexual partner
Even if the other half of the relationship is perfectly healthy, if the other half has problems, then conceiving a child will be difficult. For example, if the husband has a healthy reproductive system but his wife has problems regarding her menstrual cycle, then most likely it will result to difficulty in getting pregnant.
There are other factors and reasons of not getting pregnant. To learn more about it, a couple might look for more natural ways to solve infertility issues for women so that they can be appropriately assisted with their concerns.
Fertility Issues - Reasons of Not Getting Pregnant
By: Alice J. Johnson
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