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subject: How A T1 Line Can Make The Quality Difference For A Business [print this page]

How A T1 Line Can Make The Quality Difference For A Business

There are several options for any business, which needs a voice pipe or high speed data transfer. Some business cable and DSL services offer high-speed data transmission and the capability of handling multiple lines at once in the case of voice services. However, a T1 line may well be the choice for the business whose business depends upon the availability of their phone lines or the internet service.

The difference a T1 has over other connections is in speeds, reliability, and flexibility. The speed available to a business customer can be up to 1.544 Mbps for a single line. They are extremely configurable and the end user can determine what the line is used. They are reliable most come with a SLA service level agreement where the provider has a stake in assuring the line functions as promised.

A T1 can carry simply data and utilize all the bandwidth for porting data from one location to another, as in the case a private T1. This is a very secure means of connecting two locations. Alternatively, it can be used for high-speed reliable internet access for a business, which survives on the ability to connect to the internet, accept orders or to transfer data. The difference in a T1 used for data is that unlike cable or DSL the upload speed and download speed are equal. What that means for the business is that the speed sending and receiving will be up to 1.544 Mbps and use the full capability of the pipe.

A company with a lot of phone lines may find the expense goes up as lines are added and sometimes the reliability suffers. A T1 PR1 can handle 24 channels with one channel dedicated to framing and the other 23 used for phone service. Furthermore it is entirely possible to direct more than 24 numbers to the same board, this works on the premise that not all phone lines will be in use at the same time.

Smaller companies may look at a fractional or fractionated T1. These lines usually have the service agreement, the reliability and flexibility of the dedicated T1s but they have a predetermined number of data channels and bandwidth available. When the volume required is less than a T1 can deliver, a smaller organization who needs reliability may choose the fractional line.

A business T1 can make the difference when a company depends upon communication for survival. T1s are generally more reliable than business DSL service. While cable and business internet has a much slower upload speed than a T1, the T1 line has high speed both up and down.

Not every business may need a T1 yet but even those who are not yet ready sometimes choose a fractional T1 to assure continuous uninterrupted quality service. When ordering a business line such as this, the location of the line must be specified but also the purpose of the line. If it is going between two locations to port data the locations must be specified. In some cases where the volume is heavy several lines may be bonded and work as a single circuit. Bonded lines can give greater speeds and carry much more data.

When it comes to the question of when is the right time to choose a T1, the answer should be when the company requires continuous quality communication services in the form of voice lines, data transfer or internet access. When this becomes vital to business survival it may be time to consider T1 service. Smaller companies may choose a fractional line, while larger companies may need one or more dedicated or bonded T1 lines.

by: Sharon Taylor.

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