subject: How To Put Cash In Your Pocket The Easy Way [print this page] In these uncertain financial times, many more people are starting to feel the pinch as they try to absorb the cost of living increases while dealing with downward pressure on salaries and other incomes.
Like most of the population, I found myself in a position of needing more cash to help pay for some essential home repairs, but not wanting to add to my already strained finances by adding a new loan to the list.
While sitting at home one day, watching 'Cash In The Attic', it suddenly dawned on me that I had loads of stuff that I hadn't used or taken out of the garage for years. I started to ask myself if the whole 'Cash In The Attic' idea was just trashy day time TV entertainment or if there really was cold hard cash to be made out of my unwanted items.
Now at this point, I would like to point out that I am an unrepentant hoarder. From old balls of string to tin hats, in my eyes, it all has the potential to one-day serve an essential purpose. For that reason, I almost always take great care of every item I collect.
For me, the hardest thing was to change my mindset from one of caution and 'what if' to one a little more ruthless and logical; namely that the needs of today are real and more important than what may or may not be needed at some point in the future.
Starting from the loft and working from room to room, I soon amassed a great deal of items that, on reflection, served no purpose other than to make my living space look cluttered and collect dust. With a little Internet research, it soon became obvious that some of these items were better sold online, while what was left was bundled up and taken to a couple of local car boot sales.
For my efforts, I've not only got a less cluttered living space, but a whopping 367.25 in my pocket! Maybe trashy daytime TV isn't all bad after all.