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Is A Pdf Editor On Your Business Wish List?

If you are regularly going to be utilising PDFs, it may be helpful to create a template document which can be used as the basis for all your future work. If you are producing a newsletter, magazine or mail shot, providing consistency to your PDFs may be of benefit in getting your message across and should also save time with each new edition. A good PDF editor package will enable you to create a template document, which should ensure that every new document follows the same pattern and layout as previous articles. This means that regardless of staff turnover, a similar style of document can be produced every time.

The saving of time is probably the most important factor in using a PDF editor. Most organisations experience deadlines and print schedules so any time that is lost porting information between different document types is time wasted. Being able to use a PDF editor drastically reduces the time spent switching between different documents, making it easier to hit targets and deadlines. If you have no time to be messing about, make sure you have the ability to edit on the move and exactly what you need. Seeing the changes take place on the finished documents gives the guarantee that you are getting what you need, making it a better option for any company.

When creating these templates, there may be a need to have some degree of flexibility in the design and layout but not so much that it alters other areas. It is possible to introduce a lock-down section to the template, which should ensure that the key components of the PDF remain static whilst other parts have a degree of flexibility. For instance, an image on a page may not be the same size with every issue but there may be a desire to keep it in the same vertical height range so as not to affect the text that follows it.

Similarly, using the tabs, indents and margins can make life a lot easier when trying to align your PDF file and the PDF editor should allow you to work on these aspects. Presentation is hugely important when creating any document which may go to clients so a firm has to ensure that their finished product is of a high standard. A poorly aligned PDF file will stand out and make customers think that the quality of your company is low. If you are looking to find new customers, a poorly designed brochure is not the way to go about it, in fact, it may make it harder to entice customers.

Some of the more advanced PDF editor packages on the market have increased functionality with regards to searching. If you only wanted to search all the titles of your pages, a search on font or font size may speed up the process and allow you to specifically target what you need to. It is also possible to search on the colour of the font used, further helping to speed up the search proves if you know what you are looking for, you just don't know where it is located within your document.

by: Simon Crowfoot

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