subject: Companies Traded On The Jse [print this page] This is a list of companies traded on the JSE, the original compilation of the list was done in February 2006.
Contents: Top 09 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Note: For companies without a listed external link there is generally plenty of information available at various financial information sites; please see article's External links section below.
Stock symbol
External link
ABSA Group Limited
Absolute Holdings Limited
quartz, quartzite, sandstone
ACC-ROSS Holdings Limited
resort and leisure project planning
Acucap Properties Limited
industrial, commercial, residential property development and property management
catering; institutional support; food and non-food services for hotels, retailers, the hospitality industry; janitorial, pest control, landscaping, hygiene services