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subject: Are You Afraid To Succeed In Your Send Out Cards Business? [print this page]

Are You Afraid To Succeed In Your Send Out Cards Business?

Keep reading to see if YOU TOO could be someone who suffers from a fear of success and not even know it. If you find out your afraid of success in your Send Out Cards Business, first understand it is not as unnatural as you might have once thought, many people find they are the only thing holding them back from the life they always dreamed of living...

Have you ever had someone say to you...

"You've got so much potential in [Fill in the blank]!" and you found yourself doubtful what they were saying or not believing it at all. Be honest with yourself now and really think back to those times and the people who were saying those words to you. Who were they? Probably people you admired and looked up to, weren't they? I thought so! That is exactly who I heard those words from so many times in my own life.

Now take a look at yourself...

Not your outer-self, but your inner-self. Really examine who you are, where you've been, and what it is you want out of this life. (We only have one shot!) What are you looking to accomplish and how can your Send Out Cards Business be a vehicle for your dreams? If you find yourself coming up short on your goals over and over again, or worse yet never setting goals at all - stop and think about why that is.

Here are few questions you should be exploring the answers to...

What holds you back in building your Send Out Cards Business? Why aren't you going after what you truly want in life? Is it that you're putting your family ahead of your personal hopes and dreams? Can your family not be apart of your dreams?

Do you think you don't have what it takes to reach your goals? Do you feel like you're not smart enough or talented enough to live your dreams? What is your dream? After you afraid of having a successful business? Maybe you think "I'll never succeed in my Send Out Cards Business...What's the use?"

Believe me when I tell you I've been there and once in a (rare) while I will still struggle in believe I have what it takes. But as I get older, I am realizing I DO have what it takes to be successful in life. I AM art and I AM talented. And so are you!

What is in your heart? Is there a burning passion deep inside that keeps tugging at the strings and recurring in your mind? Do you see yourself doing something like speaking on a big stage at the Send Out Cards Business conference or being a top producer in the nation?

Go for it!

Don't let your fears or anxiety hold you back. Figure out what you are afraid of and the things that are holding you back. Then, learn to overcome them, it is possible to overcome our fears by facing them.

We are all put on this earth of a purpose. Not just to live til 70 or 80 years and pass on. By finding your true purpose and living the desires of your heart, you will be undoubtably successful and abundantly prosperous!

by: Rachel Jackson

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