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subject: 8 Keys of Small Business Organization [print this page]

8 Keys of Small Business Organization

What are the advantages of a Small Business Organizations?

1- Since the number of employees in a small organization limited the employer who joins it can have the attention of others and he becomes more important.

2- The area of responsibilites is limites one can acquire the training of coordination soon that: how to coordinate the different stage of production.

3- The employee who joins a small organization feels himself directly involved in the decision making for the undertaking. This sense of participation satisfies him that he playing a decisive role in the organization.

4- A worker in a large business organizaiton feels himself lost towards whome nobody pays attention while he feels his personality prominent for others in a small undertaking, The sense of prominence plays a crucial role in forming his personality.

5- If a worker does heroic, he is praised and admired and his talents are recognized directly. Sense of recognition polishes the talents further.

6- A worker is known to his superiors in a small organization which makes him more confident and strong in his performance.

7- As no severe completion prevails in a small undertaking, the stages of promotion can be attained easily and a small effort can give the big reward.

8- As the division of labour is 'simple' in a small business organization, there is no problem of 'specializaiton'. This is the reason that a worker can be capable to undertake different jobs at a time. Consequently, the possibilites of unemployment are reduced to the minimum.

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8 Keys of Small Business Organization

By: Farrukh KHALID

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