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subject: Atlantica Experiences To Make Money [print this page]

If you want to make money in Atlantica, please reading this article below. Here we will share the experiences to you, but some people just bother making such a small amount of money. Want to know this game is gradually accumulated out, there is no free lunch. Pay any thing you do not have to earn.

1) Is often group fight, people who fought to find out. But often surprises. For example, predicted that the task hitting a pile of Phoenix crystallization solution Priest hit a bunch of crystallization.

2. Is often said that what is strange to go there to fight it earned a good upgrade. Then you can kill monster for the task.

3. Some help solution of the task, on the one hand over the task can be harvested, but they are also contacts.

4. You can kill monster that does not drink water, eat foods save a lot, calling the body of water or tasks are sent.

5. Personal relationships is also very important, at this stage you help by the people, pass information or to help the task, maybe one day use to be such as to produce a certain thing he has never practiced, atlantica gold making helpful.

6. The game before the initial list to find a few when the master craftsman. A good master will teach you how to do the task, how to make gold. You can also pass information or skills to master. This is a network of contacts.

All in all, you can test their skills to play a small market. The market like the stock market need to be invested in order to make money, daily attention to price fluctuations. Also here is Atlantica powerleveling.

There have more articles about items,skills on our site. Just enjoy yourself if you are interest at them. Thank you for reading. Have a nice day!

Atlantica Experiences To Make Money

By: jane

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