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Merchant Cash Advance - Fast Funding For Your Business

Any businessperson understands the unpredictability of having a business, most especially amidst a clearly volatile economy as well. However, there will always come a time when the venture needs fresh funds for various reasons. Reasons like, expansion or renovation, advertising needs, purchase of inventory or equipment, hiring new staff, payroll and so much more could definitely keep an entrepreneur on his toes looking for ways to get the much-needed resources. Most usually than not, applying for a business loan seems the only viable option to get additional funds for the business. However, there is a better alternative, and that is through a merchant cash advance.

If you need fast funding for your business, whatever the reasons may be, opt for a merchant cash advance. To give you an overview on how simple the process works for you, here are its few requirements:

-You must provide them documentation that your business is in existence for a minimum of 6 months.

-Provide 3 to 6 months of credit card processing statements, like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

-1 year remaining on your current lease

-Your establishment could process a total of $10,000+/mo in Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Combined

-At least no bankruptcy on the credit score will work just fine for your application.

These simple documents to present to your provider will not be a headache for you to submit compared when you apply for a traditional business loan where tons and tons of paperwork is necessary. You do not need to present documents as collateral with a cash advance as well. Also, with an advance, you would get the money no later than 10 working days, now that is fast funds for your business. So if you want lesser problem for you and fast access on the resources your business badly needs, choose to apply for a merchant cash advance.

by: Alan koif

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