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subject: Using A Business Directory To Market Your Business [print this page]

Using A Business Directory To Market Your Business

These days, with the popularity of the internet and accessibility to software to create websites, it has today become an established industry since the search engines like content and you can't obtain substantially more content compared to a business directory. By offering this content at one location it is actually easier to obtain higher rankings then it can be for individual web pages, as a website that includes 300 pages of content will rank higher compared to a smaller website.

When you start your new business you've got a few decisions to make. One important decision must be determining the method that you will advertise and market your business so that you can reach your target customers.

There are numerous options available to you to locate customers. You can either find customers or have them find you. I'm sure the latter choice is much more favourable.

How can you find customers for your business?

You can attend networking functions, become a member of the local chamber of commerce, network with friends, family and business associates; cold call in person, cold call using the telephone, as well as employ people to perform the sales.

The best way to have customers find your business?

Advertising and marketing is the best way, leveraging on the reach of the internet to reach potential customers through an online business directory. These people not just seek out the products or services they are planning on getting, they research to find out what other people mention about the product or company they are considering. The online world has become a invaluable research tool and you need to ensure you have your Singapore business listed in an online business directory.

Over 90% of Singapore homes have Aaccess to the internet in addition to those homes, the majority of have more than one computer accessing the Internet. Always remember that your Internet presence is available to the public, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It will always be there working for you.

Just like any advertising and marketing, you simply can't put all of your resources into one avenue of customer acquisition mainly because not every customers react to the same marketing and advertising. You ought to diversify into alternative areas such as newspaper advertisements and leaflets to be able to reach increasingly more of your target audience.

Always remember to experiment prior to investing in any large expenditure, since you need to determine what advertising and marketing works for your business. Taking this point further, advertising and marketing in an online business directory has advantages such as the ability to track and measure the number of visitors coming to your website, and thus you can easily calculate your return on investment.

by: Edmund NSM

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