subject: Identity Theft protection Insurance [print this page] The identity thieves use the credit cards and stack up a lot of debt on the cards thus making the victims endure a severe financial blow.
Identity theft can victimize you even if you have always had identity theft protection enabled. To sail through such situations without much damage, one must always opt for identity theft protection insurance. These insurances generally charge you an amount of $25-$150 per annum and can provide you coverage of up to $25,000. You can buy such insurances along with homeowner's insurance policies or simply solo, depending upon your convenience.
Apart from the monetary insurance, ID theft insurance can provide you with the peace of mind you otherwise lose while worrying about identity thefts. But such insurances should not give you a false sense of security. You still need to take the necessary measures and precautions while using your credit cards.
To ensure ID theft protection, along with the insurance, you must regularly monitor your credit card statements. You must also refrain from making any financial dealings from public computers. Make sure that the computer you use is well protected from any such threats and the software is regularly updated.
Identity theft insurance can bring down your loss but it cannot guarantee a complete protection. Such insurances do not cover the restoration of credit rating, nor do they clear up any criminal record. So you can see that you still have to be extra careful and cautious in spite of taking such insurance policies.
Identity thefts cause a lot of mental, physical and financial harassment on the victim. To restore things back to normal, a victim has to actually invest a lot of time, energy and of course some amount of money as well. The Id theft insurance can diminish the chances of such occurrences. So the basic idea is to take the insurance and still be careful enough to avoid identity theft from occurring in the first place. After all, prevention is always better than cure.
Identity Theft protection Insurance
By: Ian Howard
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