subject: The Potential Of Affirmative Approval In Children With Problem Attitude [print this page] Positive reinforcement as child discipline seems to work better than negatively reinforcing a child's behavior; however, feedback is better than the alternative many parents remember their parents using. There are a number of ways a parent today could enforce what they ask their child to do or a good behavior. There is the reward program, which could be an actual item or a simple praise, or there is the change in the parent's voice and demeanor that lets the child know the parent is disappointed in them.
A parent could support their child in a variety of ways when it comes to discipline. The reward system uses an actual item such as a sticker or other small trinket a child might enjoy given when they do what they are told. The sticker program also works to collect them on a chart until the end of the week and then reward the child with something bigger like a trip to the movies or out for an ice cream treat. Some parents will simply use their praise and withholding of praise as a motivator for a child's compliance. A parent will sometimes use a counting method, typically only up to three, in order to further motivate the child to comply with their wishes. This may work, depending on the child's age.
There has been much debate surrounding a reward system for children. Some critics and child experts suggest that a reward system will set a child up for expectations of gifts for things they should be doing anyway. Discipline is part of parenting, whether the parent agrees or not, a child needs boundaries and actually craves them to feel safe. After a long absence from the parenting scene, positive disciplining is coming back into favor with young parents all across the country.
Respect and cooperation is the keys to making this type of system work. A child needs to feel respected in order to give respect. Many parents confuse being respectful or nice to their children with being their friend. A parent should keep being friends with their child out of the equation and be the disciplinarian. Children actually crave and need boundaries and structure, even if they don't show it. A child should know the rules of the house as soon as they are able to walk and talk, they need to know what is expected of them and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Praise is a great motivator if a child has done something they were asked to do or are doing something they were supposed to do.
Always remember to follow through on what is said as the parent. Do not promise to take away a toy or privileges if a child does not do something that is asked of them and then not follow through. If a parent says they need a child to do a chore or they will not be allowed to go someplace and the child does not do the chore, the parent must not take the child to the place, even if the parent wants to go to the place. This is the follow through. A child must know a parent is serious and in control. The child must know that there are consequences to their actions, whether they are positive or negative.
Reinforcement as child discipline, both positive and negative, will help a child to grow into a responsible adult. They will learn to respect boundaries, authorities and themselves. Children need to be disciplined but it need not always be in a mean or negative manor. They grow and learn from what is around them, from what they see and hear and from what they learn, mostly from their parents.
by: Ted Silva
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