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subject: Kuleto's Cocktail Bar, Sydney, Newtown - Review [print this page]

As a boy, it is a little odd me doing a review on a cocktail bar, however, last Saturday I think I went to the best cocktail bar on earth, and as such felt I should do a review about it.

The cocktail bar I am referring to is Kuleto's on King Street in Newtown. Many reading this most likely have walked past this relatively innocuous venue on your way to one of the many bars and nightclubs in the area, not even considering having a look inside.

So to all those that have walked past without giving this place a 2nd look, I can only say to you, YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON AN AMAZING PLACE.

So what I think separates this cocktail bar from the crowd is the amazing cocktails (and they are amazing) combined with the quintessentially Newtown feel to the place, which is relaxed, laid back and informal. This atmosphere was simply unquestionable given that I was wearing thongs and nobody batted and eyelid.

However for the girls out there looking for sophistication in a cocktail bar, do not think that Kuleto's is not the place for you. If you feel class and sophistication is spawned from the threads you are wearing, let it be known you are not the only punter in this cocktail bar who feels that way as alongside the thong wearing clientele are the "dressed to impress crowd" drinking side by side.

It's an amazing atmosphere from a cocktail bar that is famous for its 7 to 8 happy hour with 2 for 1 cocktails Fridays and Saturdays. But let me reiterate, these aren't cocktails mixed by an 18 year old university student studying arts and wondering why they are working in a cocktail bar instead of running the country. The bar staff here know what they are doing and make some of the best looking (and tasting) cocktails you are likely to see this side of the city.

So, if you are strolling down Newtown's main road, I strongly suggest you look past the kitsch looking halogen light buzzing away and take a look inside, have a drink and embrace the most unique cocktail bar in Sydney.

by: Ben King

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