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Extranet Portals: Is Your Company Ready To Do Business?

An extranet portal can be an incredibly vital part of an expanding business. An extranet is seen as an extension of your business that you share with the world. Don't you want that extension to be seen as strong and professional? Look at it as another way of potentially doing business with your customers; looks do matter! Leveraging a secure extranet means that your company can share valuable information only with suppliers, vendors and other businesses with which you choose. Validating this level of security can be vital to ensuring the eventual growth and prosperity of your business.

Having the right extranet design makes sense. After all, if vendors and suppliers aren't able to easily find and utilize the information they need, then what's the point? This part of the extranet isn't made to be pretty; in fact it should focus on a minimal amount of graphics and a maximum amount of information. Of course, the extranet is only as useful as the information it contains, so managing content here is key. So what extranet services should you offer? First, it should be straightforward and intuitive. Sure, you could show off how smart' you are, but if it only leads to frustrated partners, then it's of no use to you or to anyone else.

Thinking along those lines, it only makes sense to invest in a solid extranet application. A good extranet can be tailored to suit the needs of almost any business. Whether you need to share product information in the form of a catalog, collaborate with other companies or simply use the extranet as a newsletter for updates on your company, having the appropriate extranet will make all the difference. Depending on the format of extranet you to decide is appropriate for your company, it will be necessary to tailor the extranet access accordingly. You may decide, for example that various levels of access are appropriate for certain clients or vendors. Not everyone needs or should have access to certain sensitive and proprietary information.

Finding good extranet solutions shouldn't be difficult. However, knowing what your end needs are and how you hope this will become an extension of your company is very important. You could end up spending a lot of money on the wrong product if you don't plan ahead and know what is really necessary for your business. A good extranet portal will be clean, simple and lead your partners and vendors right to the information that they need. It doesn't have to be fancy to be impressive; rather the more functional it is, the more impressive it will be!

If you Google extranet co uk', you might be surprised and then pleased to see how many service options are available to you. Far from having just a few dominating players in the market, there are now plenty of small but very capable start-ups that can handle your needs and service your business well. Going hand in hand with this of course is using great extranet software. It doesn't matter how valuable or easy to understand your services or product if the software you are using freezes or crashes constantly on your vendors and suppliers. Having a secure, steady and even firewalled extranet good go a long way to ensuring your piece of mind.

Extranet Portals: Is Your Company Ready To Do Business?

By: Clive Boris

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