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subject: How to Attract More Money and Prosperity using these 3 Simple Steps [print this page]

What if you knew how to attract money into your life? Wouldn't everything just be wonderful? It would be much easier for you to find time for other things, the things that you love; you would get more time to exercise, you would have time to go shopping for healthier food, you would be a lot healthier because you would be free of worries and all your needs would be met. You would be able to build relationships because you'd have the time, and you have many resources to establish countless goals.

How is it then, that such a useful skill like how to attract money is so elusive? Money is everything. Don't believe anyone who says they don't care about money - they are lying. Zig Ziglar, the famous master and coach on successful living is quoted as saying "Yes, money isn't everything...but it's reasonably close to oxygen".

Lets look at the most basic 3 step process in how to attract money:

1. Decide What You Want and Expect it will come

How can you receive that which you are not sure of? You cannot go and ask for something if you haven't defined it. What will you get? Asking for money needs you to be specific. You need to know just how much you need; it may not be exact to the cent, but decide on an amount and give it a timeframe. Don't be unreasonable. A million dollars in 3 months when you make $20,000 in a year is unreasonable. You need to give yourself room to grow gradually into more money than you have now. Say maybe you are targeting $10,000 a month. That's a reasonable amount because based on your current income you can access a means to reach it.

If you've done that, let go of worrying about how you're going to achieve it. It will come without you worrying about it. You will find that you are constantly getting ideas on how to achieve it.

It's important to understand that the manifestation of anything in your life starts once you make a decision, so having decided on $10,000 and then worrying about it is counterproductive. The expectation paves the way for the thing to happen.

Always state a goal for something, not just money in itself as an end. You want a new car, then say that you want $5,000 for a new car, and not $5,000. You could get the $5,000 and have it all go to something other than a new car.

2. Get Obsessed About Your Goal

Have you ever been obsessed with your goal? In today's world, obsession seems to have some negative connotation. You can have a positive obsession. Have you ever seen people who enjoy what they do so much that they are always reaping great fruit? That is obsession. They are not worrying about the end result but worrying about what they are doing right now to make sure that they give it the best effort that they can for the best results.

You want to focus more on the thing that the money will buy you, the need that you stated. The universe may find another way to deliver you what your goal stated and not the money.

3. Start enjoying what you do and work with what you currently have

Your strategy may look like it may not work, but if you're doing all you know how to do, keep doing it. You will find that each day, you get new ideas that will help you reach your goal. You have heard of very poor people who had no education who have moved on to make lots of money. It wasn't from what they knew; they were in a humble trade, but they kept on getting little ideas that would help them reach their goals.

It's all about passion, because passion is rewarded. If you are a cook, how about cooking the best dishes that you ever did? You may be rewarded when a person of high rank gets a taste and asks to meet you, and then offers you a job as his own personal cook. If you are a banker, go to work with joy, and do your best to serve. Serve as best as you know how - that is what it means to work with what you have. Use the talent that you have to create a masterpiece each time. If you are a clerk, be the best clerk in anyone ever met. You will get your reward before long.

If you want to know how to attract money, seek to expand these ideas. Read more about how people have done it, and you're certainly on your way to success.

How to Attract More Money and Prosperity using these 3 Simple Steps

By: Vik Sharma

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