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subject: Vacuum Dryer For Industry [print this page]

A steam re-compression vacuum dryer includes a vacuum tank for accommodating waste; a first steam duct for removing steam from the vacuum tank; a steam compressor for compressing steam removed from the vacuum tank via the first steam duct and for producing a vacuum pressure in the vacuum tank; a steam condenser disposed in and/or thermally coupled to the vacuum tank; a non-condensing gas exhausting device for automatically exhausting non-condensing gas from the steam condenser; and a condensation water exhausting device for automatically exhausting condensation water from the steam condenser. If desired, a gas heater can be provided on the first steam duct to heat gas withdrawn from the tank through this duct. This gas heater may use steam discharged from the steam compressor as a heat source. The steam condensing device can be disposed in the vacuum tank, or it can be integral with an outer surface of the vacuum tank (e.g., the tank wall may have a double wall construction).

A steam re-compression vacuum dryer comprising: a vacuum tank for accommodating a waste; a first steam duct for removing steam from the vacuum tank; a steam compressor for compressing steam removed from said vacuum tank via said first steam duct and for producing a vacuum pressure in said vacuum tank; a steam condenser disposed in and thermally coupled to said vacuum tank for condensing at least a portion of the compressed steam; non-condensing gas exhausting means for automatically exhausting non-condensing gas from said steam condenser; and condensation water exhausting means for automatically exhausting condensation water from said steam condenser.

This invention relates to steam re-compression vacuum dryers used for dehydrating and drying water-containing wastes, such as rubbish, waste fish, mud, etc. and also used for concentrating liquid wastes. More particularly, the present invention relates to a steam re-compression vacuum dryer, which comprises a vacuum tank for accommodating a waste, a compressing means for compressing steam from the vacuum tank, a steam condensing means thermally coupled thereto, and exhausting means for exhausting condensation water and non-condensing gas.

by: ericfu

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