subject: Lung Cancer Radiation | Lung Cancer Radiation And The One Minute Cure [print this page] Lung cancer radiation therapy may be used to treat non-small cell carcinoma in addition to surgery, or for patients ineligible for surgery. Surgical removal is the preferred treatment for localized non-small-cell carcinomas (those that have not yet spread). Part or all of the affected lung may be removed. For both non-small-cell and small cell carcinomas, a combination of chemotherapy and radiation or radiation alone may be used to treat localized disease. Chemotherapy is used to treat extensive disease.
Lung cancer radiation and prevention
Homes may be tested for radon using a kit available in most hardware stores. Abstain form smoking; try to limit your exposure to second-hand smoke and air pollution.
Recommended diet and nutrition in preparation for lung cancer radiation therapy
Vitamin E and C, beta-carotene, selenium, and the B vitamins have also been associated with a decreased risk of lung cancer. Shiitake mushrooms contain lentinan, which may also offer protection. Diet high in fruits (including tomatoes) and vegetables is associated with a greatly reduced risk of lung cancer.
Vitamin E and C and beta-carotene all work together, and when taken together, the potential adverse side effects are counteracted. Selenium, lycopene, lutein, and glutathione have been associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer.
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