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subject: Review Of Virtual World Direct E-lottery Syndicates [print this page]

Started in 1992, Virtual World Direct (or VWD as it is commonly known in network marketing circles) gives people the chance to participate in a lottery syndicate and increase their chances of winning the jackpot on UK Lotto, Euro Millions and more recently El Gordo, the big Spanish lottery. People joining e-lottery can select to play in any one or multiple variety of lotteries. The number of people in the syndicate and how it therefore works alters slightly for each lottery, but for example on the UK Lotto one you are placed into a syndicate with 49 other members for both the Wednesday and Saturday draws. Each UK Lotto syndicate has 44 lines in each draw with each line sharing five common numbers plus one unique number (49 minus common 5 results in 44 remaining, one for each line). VWD states that using their system you are seven times more likely to win the jackpot as opposed to playing on your own. There is an admin fee included within the syndicate cost but this does not affect your winnings, which are shared out 100% amongst the syndicate members. The fact that Virtual World Direct's e-lottery has been around for 18 years now is testimony to the popularity of their service, as are the many thousands of people who play the lottery using VWD every week. Its parent company is a member of the Lotteries Council of Great Britain. The alternative way to be part of a lottery syndicate is to arrange one yourself or find one that is already up and running and see if you can join. Unfortunately, such a basic system does rely on a large degree of trust between members, with questions like who holds your money? Will they remember to purchase the tickets and check them, and of course who actually collects the money and shares it out? There are added problems when someone is away on holiday or ill, or simply decides to drop out for a week or permanently. Having been apart of such a syndicate myself in a large office I know how confusing it can be, which is why I decided instead to join VWD and let them deal with all that for me. I've not won the jackpot (yet!), but my syndicate in VWD does win regularly on both the UK Lotto and EuroMillions, and thanks to the ability to recommend the service to people I know as well it means that I've had more in commission than the actual syndicate has cost me, which means in reality I'm playing the lotteries for free! This commission element means that organisations like charities, schools football teams etc may also wish to look at joining and recommending a VWD syndicate to its supporters / members. The VWD service includes the e-lottery website where you can keep track of your winnings, the lottery draw results, your payments and of course your syndicate numbers. You don't have to worry about where to buy your tickets, panic when a big rollover is due or have concern about losing your lottery ticket. VWD check the results for you too, and send you an email with the results after each draw.

Review Of Virtual World Direct E-lottery Syndicates

By: Michael Fraser

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